아빠는 107개의 대마를 키웠고, 감옥에 갇히지 않았습니다!
(Rael Maitreya 선정)
아빠는 107개의 대마를 키웠고, 감옥에 갇히지 않았습니다!
Dad Grew 107 Plants, Not Given Jail Time! | This Dad was Facing 10 Years in Jail for Growing 107 Cannabis Plants to Treat his Daughters Chron’s Disease. Today he was Cleared of All Charges by the… | By The Mike Wise Show – Facebook
This Dad was Facing 10 Years in Jail for Growing 107 Cannabis Plants to Treat his Daughters Chron’s Disease. Today he was Cleared of All Charges by the…
이 아버지는 딸의 크론병을 치료하기 위해 107개의 대마초를 재배한 혐의로 10년형을 선고받았습니다.
오늘 그는 법원에 의해 모든 혐의가 면제되었습니다!
출처: https://www.facebook.com/100001702951089/posts/6529952200404814
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